I used Excalidraw to do a mockup UI/UX on how I envision the website to look like. You can find the link for the sketch here
React is a javascript library that allows user to build out interactive UIs. It's lightweight, and lets your write independent components which allows for better scalabilty and easy to work with. Components are re-usable and can fuction by themselves, we also have states; which can be accessed from top-level component to bottom-level by passing them as props, as well as react hooks to interact with those states. With very minimal time, you can make a layout for your website and allow everyone can work on different components.
NextJS is a framework built on top of React. It's awesome because it comes with so many options and utilities straight out of the package, unlike React where you would have to manually install and configure everything. It's got file based system routing, meaning you can just create a module and it will already be routed in your production. Fast refresh; you dont have to keep refreshing the page after you make changes. Typescript support so you can just have it already setup with the boiler plate ready to go. Code splitting/bundling; the entire application won't break in case a component doesn't work. And lastly, the most popular thing NextJS has been used for. The different rendering methods! It supports SSG, CSR, SSR, ISR, and allows user to choose whichever rendering method that would best benefit the project.
Typescript is a superset of javascript, meaning its still javascript code but with extra tooling features. Typescript enforces you to predefine types, which is great because it allows us to write more cohesive code that is meant to gets rid of unwanted behavior. It's great because it allwos you to have extra error checking on types and catches error before runtime, making it easier to debug and isolate problems before production.
SASS is a CSS pre-processor, its a program that lets you generate CSS from the program's unique syntax. SASS has been extremely helpful, it makes CSS much more maitainable by making it modular based, it's really easy to write nested selectors inside of writing the same className over and over again. It has features like varables for consistent theming, as well as custom @mixins! Custom CSS parameter functions! They are also reusable too so you can just @include them them in the file that you are working with and use it throughout the entire project. Here's an example:
For main API which populated all the articles on this website from all the different sources, we have to thank NewsAPI. It's search results are accurate, and have many parameters to customize query and make results make specifically tailored to user's needs. As for the Youtube carousel in the middle, It was made using Youtube Data V3 API to fetch all the trailers, and styled with SwiperJS.